Partners | Diversity | Programming | Software Engineering | Agile | Lean Highlights from CRMSDC Leaders and Legends November 1, 2019
Neil Chaudhuri

Neil Chaudhuri

LinkedIn Image of Neil Chaudhuri

On October 3, I was lucky enough to represent Vidya at the Capital Region Minority Supplier Development Council (CRMSDC) Leaders & Legends Awards ceremony at MGM National Harbor, where we received an award as a Top 100 Minority-Owned Business (MBE) and a nomination for 2019 Supplier of the Year in our class.

CRMSDC Leaders and Legends Badge

It was an amazing night with great food and drink, celebrities like Roland Martin and Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD), and most importantly, an opportunity to meet the most successful minority business owners in the DC area.

I got a picture with Senator Cardin on the red carpet!

Vidya President Neil Chaudhuri (He/Him) with Maryland Senator Ben Cardin at CRMSDC Leaders and Legends

And I made some friends. The opportunity to meet so many of the most accomplished leaders in the DC area and absorb their insight was priceless.

Vidya President Neil Chaudhuri (He/Him) with other Top 100 MBE Award winners

As the night continued, it was humbling to be on stage with the other Top 100 MBEs. Can you spot me in the front row?

Top 100 MBEs at CRMSDC Leaders and Legends

In case you’re wondering, we did not win the award for Supplier of the Year. We are just getting started, and even being nominated is a tremendous honor. So it’s cool. For now.

We did get a nice plaque as a Top 100 MBE though.

Top 100 MBE award for Vidya at CRMSDC Leaders and Legend

All in all it was an amazing night. For more pictures from our experience at Leaders and Legends, check us out on LinkedIn. You can see all the pictures from the event here.