Programming | WordPress | HTML | CSS | Mobile | Android Welcoming Webster & Fredrickson, PLLC August 7, 2016
Neil Chaudhuri (He/Him)

Neil Chaudhuri (He/Him)

LinkedIn Neil Chaudhuri (He/Him)

Vidya is proud to work with Webster & Fredrickson, PLLC, a law firm based in Washington, DC, specializing in the practice areas of whistleblower protection and employment, bankruptcy, and commercial law. Since the firm’s inception, Webster & Fredrickson has won millions for clients who have suffered discrimination, retaliation, harassment, and fraud at the hands of business and governmental organizations.

Our first priority was to develop a website suited to the Webster & Fredrickson brand. Rather than load it with the visual flourishes common on modern websites, we chose a clean, simple design with an emphasis on responsiveness on mobile devices. While PHP isn’t in our wheelhouse, we believed WordPress to be the best choice to provide the functionality Webster & Fredrickson needs for the firm to post news, for clients to contact the firm confidentially and locate it on a map, for search engines to rank the site highly, and for all the other functionality you would expect.

Our second priority was to ensure that Webster & Fredrickson could maintain the site on its own once it went live. To that end, we created custom post types called Attorney and Practice Area so that the webmaster at the firm can not only add conventional WordPress Posts and Pages but also Attorney and Practice Area posts as the firm grows and evolves. A custom WordPress plugin allowed us to create a many-to-many relationship between Attorneys and Practice Areas, which made it easy to link each Attorney with his or her Practice Areas and vice versa. Another plugin provides the freedom to customize fonts beyond the default stylesheet we created in concert with Twitter Bootstrap.

The site is now live in the cloud, and it has been proven to be a big success for Webster & Fredrickson.

We are excited for the opportunity to work with Webster & Fredrickson, PLLC not only for the technical challenge of learning PHP and WordPress but also for the broader goal of helping the firm continue to help clients exercise their legal right to fair treatment by business and government.